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Part 2 - the next 10 days >Day 11 - Months and seasons
Course content
Beginners' German - the next 30 days
- A little ad to entice you ;-) Free1 m 10 s
- Introduction to the course Free3 m 36 s
- NEW! German Learners' Community
- A little info about Angelika
- Tips and hints for doing the challenge
- About the quiz & certificate
- Useful dictionaries
- What? Still no grammar?
- Those extra little letters and how to write them
- The workbook
- Day 1, Du or Sie - a follow up to the original beginners' course1 m 53 s
- Day 1, Du or Sie, when to be formal2 m 29 s
- Day 1, Du or Sie a simple visual guide
- Day 2, Du or Sie sentences8 m 45 s
- Day 2, Du or Sie sentences - the PDF
- Day 3, family members 1, basic vocabulary7 m 18 s
- Day 3, family members 1, basic vocabulary - the PDF
- Game time - male members of the family
- Game time - female members of the family
- Day 4, family members 2, answering questions7 m 33 s
- Day 4, family members 2, answering questions - the PDF
- Day 5, family members 3, describing people4 m 49 s
- Day 5, family members 3, describing people - the PDF
- Day 5, Non-binary
- Day 6 - characterisitics4 m 59 s
- Day 6 characteristics - the PDF
- Game time again - characteristics
- Day 7 nationalities7 m 14 s
- Day 7 nationalities - the PDF
- A little extra fun - word sudoku nationalities
- Day 8 filling in forms5 m 42 s
- Day 8 filling in forms - the PDF
- Day 9, being polite (or not!)5 m 30 s
- Day 9, being polite - the PDF
- Day 10, celebrate your progress, part 1
- Well done, you've completed the first 10 days!
- Day 11 - Months and seasons Free3 m 26 s
- Day 11, Months and seasons - the PDF
- A little extra fun - word sudoku months
- A little extra fun - word sudoku weather
- Day 12 - The weather9 m 25 s
- Day 12, The weather - the PDF
- Game time - weather adjectives
- Day 13 - Your star signs1 m
- Day 13, Star signs - the PDF
- Game time - star signs
- Day 14 - Mein Haus3 m 10 s
- Day 14, Mein Haus - the PDF
- Day 15 - rooms in the house10 m 37 s
- Day 15, rooms - the PDF
- A little extra fun - word sudoku rooms in the house
- Day 16 - furniture, video 14 m 39 s
- Day 16, furniture, video 1 - the PDF
- Day 16 - furniture, a little grammar and a listening exercise7 m 2 s
- Day 16, furniture, video 2 - the PDF
- Day 17 - hobbies5 m 50 s
- Day 17, Hobbies - the PDF
- A little extra fun - word sudoku hobbies
- Day 18 - TV programmes3 m 37 s
- Day 18, TV - the PDF
- A little extra fun - word sudoku TV programmes
- Day 19 - opinions6 m 40 s
- Day 19, opinions - the PDF
- A little extra fun - word sudoku opinions
- Day 20, celebrate your progress, part 2
- Well done, you've now completed two thirds of the course!
- Info about the next two videos
- Day 21 - The 12hr clock9 m 5 s
- Day 21, the 12 hr clock - the PDF
- Day 21, the 12 hr clock - a listening exercise4 m 59 s
- Day 22 - Berufe, jobs Free9 m 28 s
- Day 22, Jobs - the PDF
- Game time - male jobs
- Game time - female jobs
- Day 23 - Transport8 m 30 s
- Day 23, transport - the PDF
- Information about the German cases course
- A little extra fun - word sudoku transport
- Day 24 - German road signs7 m 48 s
- Day 24, German road signs - the PDF
- Day 25 - Geschäfte, shops5 m 29 s
- Day 25, shops - the PDF
- Shops & jobs some extra words
- A little extra fun - word sudoku shops
- Day 26 - Complaints in a hotel3 m 38 s
- Day 26, complaints - the PDF
- Day 27 - Lost property5 m 23 s
- Day 27, lost property - the PDF
- A little extra fun - word sudoku lost property
- Day 28 - Special dietary requirements3 m 49 s
- Day 28, special dietary requirements - the PDF
- Day 29 - comments about food8 m 4 s
- Day 29, food comments - the PDF
- Day 30 - celebrate your progress, part 3
- Well done, congratulations, you have completed the course!
Episode Description
Learn the German names of the months and seasons