Beginners' German - the next 30 days

Duration 3 h 2 m 37 s


£ 29.99 Buy now
Beginners' German - the next 30 days

About this Course


 A follow up course to the original 30 day challenge, which can be completed by anybody who has some basic German knowledge or who has completed the original course.
30 activities to help you understand more German, but still without any grammar lessons. Updated April 2024

If you are a busy person who finds it hard to fit in time for language lessons, then this course is perfect for you!          
Each topic comes in a bite-sized challenge, lasting no more than 10 - 15 minutes work a day, accompanied by a workbook (printable or fillable) for your daily notes and some exercises. Sometimes there are more than one video per day, so you could even spread it out to more than 30 days. This will be enough to make you feel less uncomfortable when in Germany and people speak to you or you read German instructions.            

Topics in the challenge covered are:  

  • Formal or informal (Sie or du)
  • Family members
  • Answering questions about your family
  • Describing people
  • Characteristics
  • Nationalities
  • Filling in forms
  • Being polite (or not)
  • Months & seasons
  • The weather
  • Star signs
  • Your house
  • Rooms in the house
  • Furniture
  • Hobbies
  • TV programmes
  • Opinions
  • The 12hr clock
  • Jobs
  • Transport
  • Road signs
  • Shops
  • Complaints
  • Lost property
  • Special dietary requirements
  • Food comments

My courses are in depth, easy to understand and come with a workbook (to print out or fill in online) with space for your own notes and exercises, a quiz at the end, a German learners' community and monthly live sessions, where we can learn together and help each other.

Save almost £10 if you buy this gender course as a bundle with the next 30 day challenge.

Click on the above link or scan this QR code

Course content

videoA little ad to entice you ;-)1 m 10 sFree
videoIntroduction to the course3 m 36 sFree
videoNEW! German Learners' Community Start
videoA little info about Angelika Start
videoTips and hints for doing the challenge Start
videoAbout the quiz & certificate Start
videoUseful dictionaries Start
videoWhat? Still no grammar? Start
videoThose extra little letters and how to write them Start
videoThe workbook Start
videoDay 1, Du or Sie - a follow up to the original beginners' course1 m 53 s Start
videoDay 1, Du or Sie, when to be formal2 m 29 s Start
videoDay 1, Du or Sie a simple visual guide Start
videoDay 2, Du or Sie sentences8 m 45 s Start
videoDay 2, Du or Sie sentences - the PDF Start
videoDay 3, family members 1, basic vocabulary7 m 18 s Start
videoDay 3, family members 1, basic vocabulary - the PDF Start
videoGame time - male members of the family Start
videoGame time - female members of the family Start
videoDay 4, family members 2, answering questions7 m 33 s Start
videoDay 4, family members 2, answering questions - the PDF Start
videoDay 5, family members 3, describing people4 m 49 s Start
videoDay 5, family members 3, describing people - the PDF Start
videoDay 5, Non-binary Start
videoDay 6 - characterisitics4 m 59 s Start
videoDay 6 characteristics - the PDF Start
videoGame time again - characteristics Start
videoDay 7 nationalities7 m 14 s Start
videoDay 7 nationalities - the PDF Start
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku nationalities Start
videoDay 8 filling in forms5 m 42 s Start
videoDay 8 filling in forms - the PDF Start
videoDay 9, being polite (or not!)5 m 30 s Start
videoDay 9, being polite - the PDF Start
videoDay 10, celebrate your progress, part 1 Start
videoWell done, you've completed the first 10 days! Start
videoDay 11 - Months and seasons3 m 26 sFree
videoDay 11, Months and seasons - the PDF Start
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku months Start
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku weather Start
videoDay 12 - The weather9 m 25 s Start
videoDay 12, The weather - the PDF Start
videoGame time - weather adjectives Start
videoDay 13 - Your star signs1 m Start
videoDay 13, Star signs - the PDF Start
videoGame time - star signs Start
videoDay 14 - Mein Haus3 m 10 s Start
videoDay 14, Mein Haus - the PDF Start
videoDay 15 - rooms in the house10 m 37 s Start
videoDay 15, rooms - the PDF Start
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku rooms in the house Start
videoDay 16 - furniture, video 14 m 39 s Start
videoDay 16, furniture, video 1 - the PDF Start
videoDay 16 - furniture, a little grammar and a listening exercise7 m 2 s Start
videoDay 16, furniture, video 2 - the PDF Start
videoDay 17 - hobbies5 m 50 s Start
videoDay 17, Hobbies - the PDF Start
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku hobbies Start
videoDay 18 - TV programmes3 m 37 s Start
videoDay 18, TV - the PDF Start
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku TV programmes Start
videoDay 19 - opinions6 m 40 s Start
videoDay 19, opinions - the PDF Start
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku opinions Start
videoDay 20, celebrate your progress, part 2 Start
videoWell done, you've now completed two thirds of the course! Start
videoInfo about the next two videos Start
videoDay 21 - The 12hr clock9 m 5 s Start
videoDay 21, the 12 hr clock - the PDF Start
videoDay 21, the 12 hr clock - a listening exercise4 m 59 s Start
videoDay 22 - Berufe, jobs9 m 28 sFree
videoDay 22, Jobs - the PDF Start
videoGame time - male jobs Start
videoGame time - female jobs Start
videoDay 23 - Transport8 m 30 s Start
videoDay 23, transport - the PDF Start
videoInformation about the German cases course Start
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku transport Start
videoDay 24 - German road signs7 m 48 s Start
videoDay 24, German road signs - the PDF Start
videoDay 25 - Geschäfte, shops5 m 29 s Start
videoDay 25, shops - the PDF Start
videoShops & jobs some extra words Start
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku shops Start
videoDay 26 - Complaints in a hotel3 m 38 s Start
videoDay 26, complaints - the PDF Start
videoDay 27 - Lost property5 m 23 s Start
videoDay 27, lost property - the PDF Start
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku lost property Start
videoDay 28 - Special dietary requirements3 m 49 s Start
videoDay 28, special dietary requirements - the PDF Start
videoDay 29 - comments about food8 m 4 s Start
videoDay 29, food comments - the PDF Start
videoDay 30 - celebrate your progress, part 3 Start
videoWell done, congratulations, you have completed the course! Start
videoWhat next? Start
videoUsing Pinterest for further practice & ideas Start
videoFind me on social media Start
videoInterested in becoming an affiliate? Start

Pass the quiz to get a certificate


Test your understanding from the last 30 days

Pass the quiz
Angelika Davey

Angelika Davey

Course Instructor

German tutor, author and online course creator