Beginners' German for busy people

Duration 2 h 15 m 47 s


£ 24.99 Buy now
Beginners' German for busy people

About this Course


  A 30 day challenge for learning basic German in time for your awesome holiday or successful business trip to Germany.
30 small activities to help you feel less daunted and have a great time on your first trip to Germany.   (Updated April 2024)

A course for absolute beginners. No previous knowledge is required!

If you are a busy person who finds it hard to fit in time for language lessons, then this course is perfect for you!          
Each topic comes in a bite-sized challenge, lasting no more than 5 - 10 (a few maybe 15) minutes work a day, accompanied by a workbook (printable or fillable) for your daily notes and some exercises. This will be enough to make you feel less uncomfortable when in Germany and people speak to you or you read German instructions.  

For anybody who wants to take their German learning further, there will be monthly live sessions and a German learners' community where we can learn together and help each other.

And for the business person, who wants to exhibit in Germany or who is meeting a prospective client - this course may just help you get that deal!          

Contrary to popular belief, not all Germans do speak English - and even if they do, a few polite sentences in German may just be what they needed to hear to be persuaded to buy from you.      

Topics in the challenge covered are:  

  • greeting people 
  • My name is ... 
  • I come from ... 
  • I live in ... 
  • four little words 
  • Do you speak English? 
  • Sorry! 
  • days of the week 
  • numbers from 0 - 10 
  • Where is…? directions 
  • ordering drinks 
  • ordering food 
  • I'm allergic! 
  • numbers from 11- 20 
  • numbers from 21 - 100 
  • What's the time? 
  • How much does it cost? 
  • buying clothes colours 
  • buying train tickets 
  • body part and illnesses 
  • buying medicines 
  • booking a hotel room 
  • at the restaurant 
  • saying goodbye 

My courses are in depth, easy to understand and come with a workbook (to print out or fill in online) with space for your own notes and exercises, a quiz at the end and monthly live sessions, where we can learn together and help each other.

Save almost £10 if you buy this gender course as a bundle with the next 30 day challenge.   

Click on the above link or scan this QR code





Course content

videoA little ad to entice you ;-)16 sFree
videoIntrodruction and information about this course3 m 36 sFree
videoNEW! German Learners' Community Start
videoAbout the quiz & certificate Start
videoA little info about Angelika Start
videoTips and hints for doing the challenge Start
videoThe workbook Start
videoUseful dictionaries Start
videoWhat? No grammar? Start
videoThose extra little letters and how to write them Start
videoDay 1: Greeting people2 m 20 sFree
videoDay 1 - the PDF Start
videoDay 2 - Introducing yourself5 m 19 s Start
videoDay 2 - the PDF Start
videoDay 3 - Telling people where you come from3 m 32 s Start
videoDay 3 - the PDF Start
videoDay 4 - Telling people where in the world you live3 m 43 s Start
videoDay 4 - the PDF Start
videoDay 5 - Four little words2 m 15 s Start
videoDay 5 - the PDF Start
videoDay 6 - "Do you speak English?"2 m 54 s Start
videoDay 6 - the PDF Start
videoDay 7 - Sorry isn't the hardest word to say in German!2 m 45 s Start
videoDay 7 - the PDF Start
videoWas ist das?5 s Start
videoDay 8 - The days of the week2 m 55 s Start
videoDay 8 - the PDF Start
videoDay 9 - Numbers from 0 to 106 m 28 s Start
videoDay 9 - the PDF Start
videoDay 10 - Celebrate your progress, part 1 Start
videoDay 10 - possible answers Start
videoDay 11 - Where is ...?7 m 58 s Start
videoDay 11 - the PDF Start
videoDay 12 - Hearing and giving directions7 m 5 s Start
videoDay 12 - the PDF Start
videoDay 13 - Ordering drinks - and not just beers :)7 m 8 s Start
videoDay 13 - the PDF Start
videoDay 14 - Ordering food - there's more than Currywurst :)3 m 38 s Start
videoDay 14 - the PDF Start
videoDay 15 - I'm allergic!3 m 21 s Start
videoDay 15 - the PDF Start
videoDay 15 extra info (not from me) Start
videoDay 16 - Numbers from 11 - 202 m 31 s Start
videoDay 16 - the PDF Start
videoDay 17 - Even higher numbers: 21 - 1004 m 53 s Start
videoDay 17 - the PDF Start
videoDay 18 - What's the time, Mr Wolf?5 m 7 s Start
videoDay 18 - the PDF Start
videoWas ist das?6 s Start
videoDay 19 - How much is that doggy in the window?7 m 25 s Start
videoDay 20 - Celebrate your progress, part 2 Start
videoDay 21 - I want that jumper! Going shopping11 m 5 s Start
videoDay 21 - the PDF Start
videoDay 22 - Knowing your basic colours4 m 50 s Start
videoDay 22 - the PDF Start
videoHey!6 s Start
videoDay 23 - Buying train tickets to travel around Germany6 m 54 s Start
videoDay 23 - the PDF Start
videoHow to buy a German train ticket from a machine Start
videoDay 24 - Body parts and illnesses7 m 47 s Start
videoDay 24 - the PDF Start
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku body parts Start
videoDay 25 - Buying medicines5 m 6 sFree
videoA little extra fun - word sudoku illnessess Start
videoDay 25 - the PDF Start
videoDay 26 - Booking a hotel room5 m 58 s Start
videoDay 26 - the PDF Start
videoDay 27 - At the restaurant5 m 58 s Start
videoDay 27 - the PDF Start
videoDay 28 - saying goodbye - no, I didn't forget it :)2 m 43 s Start
videoDay 28 - the PDF Start
videoDay 29 - Celebrate your progress, part 3 Start
videoDay 29 - possible answers Start
videoWhat next? Start
videoUsing Pinterest for further practice & ideas Start
videoFind me on social media Start
videoInterested in becoming an affiliate? Start

Pass the quiz to get a certificate


Test your basic German knowledge

Pass the quiz
Angelika Davey

Angelika Davey

Course Instructor

German tutor, author and online course creator