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Making sentences more interesting (and complicated) >Negatives: nicht oder kein?
Course content
German grammar - word order
- Introduction to this section2 m 51 s
- Verb in second place Free2 m 57 s
- Verb in second place - the PDF
- Questions4 m 39 s
- Questions - the PDF
- Time manner place7 m 27 s
- Time manner place - the PDF
- Washing line5 s
- A bit more on the "what"4 m 15 s
- A bit more on the 'what' - the PDF
- Verb still in 2nd place6 m 32 s
- Verb still in 2nd place - the PDF
- Modal verbs & future tense8 m 11 s
- Modal verbs & future tense - the PDF
- Perfect tense3 m 45 s
- Perfect tense - the PDF
- Separable verbs2 m 52 s
- Separable verbs - the PDF
- Basic word order recap3 m 36 s
- Example of notes from a student
- A little extra help!
- Basic word order exercises
- For some extra work - find the verb and 'time, manner, place'
- Introduction to this section1 m 59 s
- Conjunctions, no change4 m 57 s
- Conjunctions, no change - the PDF
- Conjunctions, no change - your turn!4 m 11 s
- Weil sentences Free3 m 18 s
- Weil - the PDF
- Weil - your turn4 m 39 s
- Other conjunction words which push the verb to the end7 m 5 s
- Other conjunction words which push the verb to the end - the PDF
- Subject & verb reversed7 m 20 s
- Subject & verb - the PDF
- Wenn5 m 19 s
- Wenn - the PDF
- When - which word to use intro
- When is when wenn?3 m 23 s
- Dass or no dass?5 m 3 s
- Dass or no dass? - the PDF
- Dass - your turn4 m
- More connecting words4 m 39 s
- More connecting words - the PDF
- The command form - intro2 m 41 s
- The imperative (revision)3 m 59 s
- The imperative (revision) - the PDF
- Summary
- More exercises
- For extra work - find some sentences with conjunctions
- Introduction to this section1 m 26 s
- "zu + infinitive" instead of "dass"5 m 47 s
- "zu + infinitive" instead of "dass" - the PDF
- "um ... zu ..." and more2 m 19 s
- "um ... zu ..." and more - the PDF
- Negatives: nicht oder kein? Free6 m 22 s
- Negatives: nicht oder kein? - the PDF
- Position of 'nicht'6 m 15 s
- Position of 'nicht' - the PDF
- Position of object pronouns6 m 12 s
- Position of object pronouns - the PDF
- Relative pronouns - nominative & accusative case9 m 2 s
- Relative pronouns - nominative & accusative - the PDF
- Relative pronouns - dative & genitive case6 m 3 s
- Relative pronouns - dative & genitive - the PDF
- Relative pronouns and prepositions3 m 51 s
- Relative pronouns and prepositions - the PDF
- relative pronouns - was3 m 49 s
- Relative pronouns, was - the PDF
- Relative pronouns - welcher1 m 44 s
- Relative pronouns, welcher - the PDF
- Pronouns5 s
- Interjections12 m 24 s
- Interjections - the PDF
- And even more exercises!
- For extra work - find some relative pronouns
Episode Description
In this video you'll learn when to use 'nicht' and when 'kein' in German.